
The Last Day

Today is the last day and we are very sad that this great time with so many different experiences will end soon. We have experienced so much together. Even if there were many hurdles to overcome when living together, we made it. It was planned for this morning that the Lithuanian excange partners would join us on our lessons. At the same time some other students went to Mr Weese in the computer lab and wrote this beautiful blog. After the lesson was finished, everybody went into the "Aula", to prepare the good-bye party. We trained singing, dancing and playing music. Following that, we ate pizza. Unfortunately, the plan for the afternoon was changed - actually we wanted to go to a lake to walk on the "barefoot path" and to have a volleyball competition. Now we have free time in the afternoon, which will be also really nice. Tonight there will be a final event and we are excited to see how it will turn out.


Workshops & Nuremberg

In the morning we had the opportunity to visit a politics, cooking, art, dancing and sustainability Workshop. In the politics workshop we talked about the Ukraine and Russia conflict, in the cooking workshop we made our lunch: „Schweinebraten“and „Kloß mit Soß“. The art group created a spray painting with stencils, the dance people prepared a dance for the colourful evening. And in the sustainability workshop we talked about how you can recycle a mobile phone.

In the afternoon we visited the „Handwerkerhof“, look a look inside the „Lorenzkirche“, turned the ring at the „Schöner Brunnen“, which is supposed to grant you good luck. After that we went to the castle and enjoyed the beautiful view.Last but not least we were allowed to go shopping and spent a nice day in the city.


Erkundungstour durch Schwabach / Discovering Schwabach

Der erste Tag begann mit einem Treffen in der Aula, bei dem Frau Schindler uns den Ablauf der folgenden Woche erklärte. Da wir uns besser kennenlernen sollten, bereiteten die Lehrer Kennenlernspiele, die allerdings in einem Chaos endeten, vor. Danach sind wir in die Stadt gelaufen, um uns Mittagessen zu holen und um uns auf der Kärwa zu vergnügen. Nachdem alle Mägen gefüllt wurden, erkundeten wir in einer Rallye Schwabach. In fünf Gruppen aufgeteilt, absolvierten wir die Rallye in gut zwei Stunden. Gegen 17:00 Uhr wurden wir in unseren normalen Alltag zurückgelassen und jeder durfte das machen, was er wollte. Wir waren wie viele andere auf der Kärwa in Schwabach und haben den Tag schön ausklingen lassen.
Zurückblickend kann man sagen, dass der Tag sehr schön war, um neue Freunde kennenzulernen und die Litauer einen Einblick von Schwabach bekommen haben.
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The first day began with a meeting in the auditorium, at which Mrs. Schindler explained the course of the following week to us. Since we should get to know each other better, the teachers prepared introductory games, which ended in chaos. Afterwards, we walked into the city to get lunch and to have fun at the fair. After all the stomachs were filled, we explored Schwabach in a rally. Divided into five groups, we completetd the rally in just two hours. Around 5 p.m. we were allowed to go back home or just stay in Schwabach as we did for example.
Looking back, you can say that the day was very nice, because we met new friends and the Lithuanians got an insight into Schwabach.


Schwabach via Dresden - September 21st

Wednesday was the second day we were riding the bus. We started our trip from a small town near the German border in Poland at 9:00.
After a few hours, we reached Dresden. It was the first German city we stopped at. We had a 45 min. excursion with one of our teachers around old town, we even found the Lithuania Coat of Arms on two old buildings. After that, we had free time. When we got onto the bus, there were 5 hours of driving left.
When we arrived in Schwabach at 19:00, a lot of Lithuanians were excited about meeting their host families for the first time and Germans were excited too.